voov blog

May 2019

Friday 24th May

What I've been looking at today:

  1. html color codes at quackit.com
  2. css color info at quackit.com
  3. css @import rule at quackit.com
  4. randomising page contents at javascriptkit.com
  5. creating css gradients at html-css-js.com
  6. assorted color palettes at flatuicolors.com
  7. html color picker at w3schools.com
  8. script src tag at w3schools.com
  9. js document.write at w3schools

Wednesday 22nd May

Because I keep trying to be good about food and eat "sensibly", like avoid sugar and processed foods (but especially sugar and refined carbs), I keep trying different ways to motivate myself to do the right thing. I've tried keeping a food diary, but whenever I eat crap I stop updating it. I've tried lots of apps for food tracking and weight tracking and step-counting, but usually they are too fiddly or not specific enough or not customisable enough and I get pissed off and don't bother. I've even tried treating myself like a bloody five-year-old and putting colour-coded stickers on a wall calendar to track when I've eaten well (gold star), reasonably (silver or blue star), or really badly (red star). After a while I get sick of seeing red stars every day. Also, I run out of red stars. So maybe if I just give myself a gold or silver star when I've earned one?

Yeah, anyway... A Funny Comic That Shows Why We Fail Our Diets.

Monday 13th May

When I should have been sleeping I was looking for sites mainly for background tiling image generators or css gradient generators (but I soon got distracted with other things). One of the results is used as the background for this page. Later I might revisit some of these sites and add descriptions. For now it's just a list of links (in order of discovery).

  1. dynamicdrive.com | css3_linear_gradients
  2. hotscripts.com | scripts-programs
  3. cuteducky.com | cute_animal_quiz
  4. monkeyquiz.com
  5. raingod.com | RandomStrings Source
  6. scriptsfinder.com | JavaScript
  7. design.geckotribe.com | colorwheel
  8. colormatch.dk
  9. wsabstract.com | jstohtml
  10. javascriptkit.com | cchart
  11. javascriptkit.com | comboquiz
  12. javascriptkit.com | cutindex2
  13. javascriptkit.com | backdisco
  14. javascriptkit.com | randombgcolor
  15. javascriptkit.com | cut61
  16. dynamicdrive.com | flexislide
  17. raingod.com | ThumbShow Source
  18. flooble.com | expand
  19. flooble.com | sidebar
  20. colorzilla.com | firefox
  21. mycolor.space | gradient3
  22. gradienthunt.com
  23. grsites.com | generator 5001
  24. grsites.com | group 4000
  25. bg.siteorigin.com
  26. trianglify.io
  27. favicon.io
  28. hongkiat.com | free-pattern-generators
  29. btmills.github.io | geopattern — favourite so far!
  30. 1stwebdesigner.com | pattern-generator-online
  31. stripedbgs.com
  32. colormunki.com | munsell
  33. webdesignerdepot.com | 101-essential-lorem-ipsum-generators
  34. randomtext.me
  35. blogging.com | low-poly-generators
title graphic generated at cooltext.com
background graphic generated at gradienthunt.com

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layout & colour scheme © 2019 pavona voov