updated Sat 20 July 2019 GMT+1000

hosted by neocities

brown paper background with coffee stains from pixabay

other modifications (lizard, strange bird, Aussie flag stamp, postmark and site title) applied with editor.pho.to

newresources page

still. not. done.

32x32 gif I finally slept for a while yesterday after being awake for the best part of two days. I'm still not finished the recoding, though. I have to keep rechecking internal links because I keep getting them wrong. But I have at least updated the diary coding (formerly "updates" that showed up here on the main page) and they have a new home now: here's the latest entry for July, and here's June and lastly May, all now with permalinks.

I really hope to get it everything finished, finally, sometime in the next 30 hours. Because seriously, yikes.

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