the new girl - week 9

Monday 25th

Aunty Laura looking after me again. She brought me a jigsaw to do which is very thoughtful of her.

Tuesday 26th

Feeling a tiny little bit better. Mum says my tempreture has gone down almost to normal. Still working on the jigsaw (it's a cat and butterfly).

Wednesday 27th

This is the longest time I have ever been off sick! I'm missing so much work, how will I catch up?

Thursday 28th

Mer called and we talked for an hour! Her mum also wished me to get well (over the phone). Mer says Kirsty asked her where I was!!! (she told her I am sick, Kirsty said "get well soon")

Friday 29th

Felt much better this morning. Dad made pancakes because it's his day off. I love pancakes!! I had banana and strawberry on mine. I had soup for lunch again (because mum bought so much.) Mer called in the evening but only for 10 minutes because they have guests over.

Saturday 30th

Felt even more better. Sat outside in the sun. Mum made pizza for lunch. Had a bubble bath in the afternoon.

Sunday 31st

Had to tidy my room! Mum said it was well overdue but she let me off when I was sick. It took all day!!

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